Muzikačaka (Sara Korošec)
Muzikačaka is one-woman band that does not consider herself inside one specific genre. What is important inside her music, it is the concept. Music was waiting many years for realisation and then first album arose in 2015 in Winter in Haloze, between the frying of a baker’s oven, chopping wood and in virtual and social isolation. I was playing with a project Muzikačaka in 2015 through all Slovenia within the Klubski maraton project.
– Tako, da ne bi bolelo/So, it does not hurt (Januar, 2015)
– Dolgčas/Boredom (Oktober,2016)
– Pol dan in pol noč/ Mid Day and Mid Night (Februar, 2018)
Others about Muzikačaka:
– Radio Študent , Goran Kompoš (
– SIGIC, Marko Karlovčec (
“Zdi se, kot da bi ta »dama iz Haloz« ali »one-woman-does-everything-by-herself«, kot jo označujejo in se označuje sama, še vedno bila skriti biser, ne toliko varovana, a vendarle skrivnost. Skrivnost, ki se ne izpostavlja, a je njeno vabilo k poslušanju še vedno ali nemara prav zato toliko bolj občuteno.”
Image: Tina Maroh